Edward Schenk
[email protected] | | Flagstaff AZ, U.S.A
Environmental Science, Geomorphology, Land Use, Hydrology and Water Resources
Welcome to my webpage, here you can find out a little bit about my professional interests and skills. I have over a decade of experience in river science and management, wetlands biogeochemical studies, natural resource project management, and civil engineering. My CV is available by clicking on the title bar in the upper righthand corner of this webpage.
Select Publications
Schenk, E.R., McCargo, J.W., Moulin, B., Hupp, C.R. and Richter, J.M., 2015. The Influence of Logjams on Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) Concentrations on the Lower Roanoke River, a Large Sand‐Bed River. River research and applications, 31(6), pp.704-711.
Schenk, E.R., Skalak, K.J., Benthem, A.J., Dietsch, B.J., Woodward, B.K., Wiche, G.J., Galloway, J.M., Nustad, R.A. and Hupp, C.R., 2014. Geomorphic change on the Missouri River during the flood of 2011: Chapter I in 2011 Floods of the Central United States (No. 1798-I). US Geological Survey.
Schenk, E. R., Moulin, B., Hupp, C. R., & Richter, J. M. 2013. Large wood budget and transport dynamics on a large river using radio telemetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Doi: 10.1002/esp.3463
Schenk, Edward R. and C.R. Hupp, 2009. Legacy Effects of Colonial Millponds on Floodplain Sedimentation, Bank Erosion, and Channel Morphology, Mid-Atlantic, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(3):597-606.